Phi Kappa Theta
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Phi Kappa Theta actively develops men to be effective leaders who passionately serve society, Fraternity, and God.
Phi Kappa Theta was established on April 29, 1959 after the merger between Phi Kappa and Theta Kappa Phi. This National social fraternity was founded on 5 ideals.
Spring recruitment starts January 20th, 2024! Join us for a month of recruitment events geared toward learning more about our chapter and brotherhood.
We will be celebrating our fraternity’s founding on the weekend of April 20, 2024. Join us in this year’s festivities!
Congratulations to our five newest brothers on their initiation into the NY Sigma Chapter of Phi Kappa Theta!
Since our chapter’s inception in 1925, we have been one of the best group’s of men on the Rensselaer Campus. While difficult times struck the Greek community, the members of the NY Sigma chapter of Phi Kappa Theta managed to persevere. It is this effort that has developed a sense of responsibility which is instilled in all brothers of our chapter.
We boast one of the best brotherhood experiences on the RPI campus. On top of a busy school workload, brothers manage to cook, clean, and take care of pets by themselves. In doing this, brothers leave college ready to whether any obstacles their professional careers may have in store.
Through experience and hard work, our chapter has strived. If you’re interested in joining Ski Lodge, visit us during Rush.
Two of our pets: Molly (left) and Wanda (right)