The Ski Lodge

Customized Living Space


All rooms are a product of a brother’s creativity. Each brother has the right to customize their rooms as they see fit. As a result, you’ll find a living space that accurately represents its inhabitants. Some rooms are furnished with couches and TVs, others with desks and climbing equipment. At the Ski Lodge, everyone has the freedom to create a comfortable living environment.

A Home for All


The house’s living, dining, and entertainment (LDE) area houses all of the chapter’s main social gatherings. Brothers meet in this room weekly for meetings. Dinner is served here each evening. It is a place where people can meet, hang out, and relax.

A Study Space for All


While the LDE is an area of gathering, our chapter room plays a different roll. The chapter room is a place to study, by yourself or in small groups, and is known by all brothers as a respected place to study. Whether its finishing a paper late at night or studying in the morning, the chapter room is a place where all brothers use to study.