Phi Kappa Theta at RPI - NY Sigma Donations


2023 donations were the highest they have been in five years!  Thanks to generous donations from Brothers Dennis Leary (’87) and Bill Stout (’73), we were able to meet 57% of our annual goal. Recurring donations are also up 10% since our move to the new fundraising platform Crowdchange and account for over 20% of our annual target.  The move to Crowdchange has been very beneficial for the chapter by allowing us to create specific campaigns, sell merchandise and better manage donations.  We thank all those alumni who have and continue to donate.  If you still have a recurring donation with Paypal, please consider moving it to Crowdchange and subscribing to $44/mo which meets the yearly threshold for a complimentary Charter Day ticket.  


Wondering how to make a donation to the Fraternity in your will? Please review this document